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Extreme Networks Reduces Dependence on the Grid with Bloom Energy Fuel Cell Technology

March 21, 2019 By BlueAlly

New project uses reliable, low-cost and sustainable power source to fuel 90 percent of Extreme's energy needs at its San Jose headquarters

SAN JOSE, Calif., March 21, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Establishing resilient, clean energy sources for businesses and communities is at the forefront of global conversations. Today, Extreme Networks, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXTR) announced the installation of a new on-site energy source that generates primary power for its corporate headquarters in San Jose, California using Bloom Energy's (NYSE: BE) proprietary fuel cell technology.

In the U.S. alone, The Eaton Blackout Tracker tallied 3,526 utility power outages in 2017, a 60 percent increase over the past 10 years, impacting millions of people and businesses across the country. Extreme itself experienced three separate outages in its San Jose offices in the summer of 2018, driving company leadership to look for a sophisticated, alternative energy supplier.

Extreme chose to deploy Bloom Energy Servers to provide consistent, reliable power for its headquarters. Part of the Energy Server configuration operates as a microgrid. The microgrid will provide an uninterrupted electricity supply to critical engineering and IT activities that support Extreme's global business, even if the grid fails. Generally, microgrids are electrical power systems that operate in parallel with, or independently of, the electric grid.

Investment in the Bloom Energy System is expected to yield significant environmental and sustainability benefits due to cleaner power production. Because the Bloom Energy Servers convert natural gas or biogas fuel into electricity without combustion via an electro-chemical reaction, it generates virtually no particulate emissions such as NOx or SOx, which contributes to air pollution. The fuel cell technology also reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 20 percent as compared to the local grid – the equivalent to greenhouse gas emissions from 352 passenger vehicles driven for one year.

Bloom Energy Servers use virtually no water in normal operation. By comparison, to produce one megawatt per hour for a year, combustion-based grid power draws approximately 156 million more gallons of water.

The Bloom Energy System is also expected to decrease Extreme's energy spend by as much as 25 percent at company headquarters, with the potential to provide additional cost savings if the program is expanded to other Extreme Networks locations in the U.S. and around the world.

Executive Perspectives:

Ed Meyercord, President and CEO, Extreme Networks "The future of resilient connectivity depends on power system innovation. In the same way businesses rely on networking technology to sustain productivity, network uptime depends on the stability of its power source. Our work with Bloom Energy exemplifies Extreme Networks' commitment to lowering the energy burden within the networking industry, and to improving operational efficiencies for our employees, customers, partners and shareholders."

KR Sridhar, Founder, CEO and Chairman, Bloom Energy "We enjoy partnering with companies like Extreme Networks to help reduce their carbon footprint, lower their energy costs, and ensure reliable power so they can continue doing what they do best – deliver exceptional customer experiences. By ensuring their energy resiliency, Extreme Networks is not only protecting their critical business operations, but also enhancing their potential for future growth."

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